추석 명절, 그리움이 밀려오는 사람들의 시간은...
Autumn Festival, ‘Chuseok’, the time of homesickness for someone our neighbors away from their homes. “BAE, Kidong (Representative of the Global Citizenship Forum)”
‘실시간 양방향 온라인’ 세계시민교육
참관신청 안내
세계시민교육에 관심있는 가족센터 및 유관기관 담당자 대상, 10월 7일(토) 오전 10시~12시, 동대문구가족센터 수업
Guidelines for Participation in the Creative Art Program’s ‘Real-time Interactive Online’ Global Citizenship Education.
This program is designed for family center and related organization staff interested in global citizenship education. It will take place on Saturday, October 7th, from 10:00AM to 12:00PM at Dongdaemun-gu Family Center.”
뉴스 클리핑으로 보는
‘이달의 세계시민’,
원옥금(응웬 응옥 깜) 님
한국에서 사는 모든 이주민이 안녕하고, 안전하고, 안락하기를! Global Citizen of the Month’ as Seen in News Clippings: Ms. Won Ok-geum (Eungwen Eungok Kkam).
“May all immigrants living in Korea be well, safe, and at peace.”
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[ 공지 ]
성북구가족센터와 지속적인 협력사업
추진을 위한 업무협약 체결
세계시민교육을 함께 모색하고 강화해 나가기 위한 협력
Signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Ongoing Collaboration with Seongbuk-gu Family Center.
Collaboration for the exploration and enhancement of global citizenship education together.
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‘다문화 선도 지자체 및 기관을 응원합니다.’ 이데일리 주최, 여성가족부 후원, 공모기간(10월 20일까지), 이데일리에 문의
The ‘1st Edaily Multicultural Future Awards’ will be held to support multicultural leading local governments and organizations.
The event is organized by Edaily and sponsored by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, with the deadline for submissions being October 20th.
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만드는 ‘우리 가족’의
만화 이야기
종로구가족센터 가족 대상 창의미술프로그램 ‘아이와 함께하는 이야기 만화’ 수업 시작
Creating a Comic Story of ‘Our Family’ through Storytelling.
Start of a creative art program ‘Story Comics with Children’ for families at Jongno-gu Family Center.
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종로구가족센터와 노원구가족센터에서
진행된 가족과 결혼이주여성을 위한
‘음악과 꽃 이야기’
바람과 비에 젖었던 꽃이 클래식 음악으로 피어나는 시간! 그 현장의 이야기
Story of Music and Flower’ for Families and Women who have immigrated through international marriage at Jongno-gu and Nowon-gu Family Centers.
A time when flowers, soaked in wind and rain, bloom through classical music! The stories from the scene.
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〈다채로운 서울역사문화탐방〉
참여자 모집
전통문화의 도시! 전주, 10월7일~8일(1박2일), 서울역사편찬원 제공, 참가비 무료. 해설과 체험
The 11th ‘Exploring Diverse History and Culture in Seoul’ is open for registration. Be a part of it!
City of Traditional Culture! Jeonju, October 7th to 8th (1 night 2 days), Sponsored by Seoul Historiography Institute, Free-of-Charge Participation, Guided Tours and Experiences Included.
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가을맞이, 9월의
‘다채로운 서울역사문화탐방’
(8차, 9차, 10차) 사진 스케치
가을의 주말마다 백제문화와 한국인의 삶을 찾아 떠난 역사문화여행!
Welcoming Autumn, Photo Sketches of the 8th, 9th, 10th ‘Exploring Diverse History and Culture in Seoul’ held in September.
Historical and cultural journeys in search of Baekje culture and the lives of Koreans on weekends throughout the fall!
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‘GCF 젓가락 행진’ 2학기 오리엔테이션,
경희대학교에서 개최
멘토링 프로그램, 젓가락 한 벌처럼 오랜 친구가 되어주기를
‘GCF Chopsticks March Program’ 2nd Semester Orientation Held at Kyung Hee University.
Mentoring Program aims to become a long-time friend, like a pair of chopsticks.
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배기동 상임대표, 대만
국립고궁박물관(남원)초청 강연
‘2023 고궁박물관 아시아 예술제-한국의 달’ (2023. 09. 28. ~ 10. 29.), 한국예술과 문화진흥
BAE, Kidong, the Representative of the GCF, Invited to Lecture at the National Palace Museum of Taiwan (Namwon).
Taiwan “2023 National Palace Museum Asian Art Festival - The Moon of Korea” (September 28 to October 29, 2023), promoting Korean art and culture.
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English Text Translated by Ms. M.S. Park (English communication Advisor) |
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