DMZ! 평화를 위한 세계유산으로
분단의 현장이 세계평화와 미래 유산을 준비하는 글로벌 사회의 화두가 되기를
DMZ! A World Heritage Site for Peace.
May the site of division become a topic of global discourse for world peace and a legacy for the future!
“BAE, Kidong (Representative of the Global Citizenship Forum)”
세계시민포럼, 서울시교육청
《꿈토링 스쿨》 입학식, MOU
연계(음악・미술) 운영 기관으로 참석
서울시교육청 추진 ‘다양한 문화적 배경의 청소년 대상 진로 프로그램’, 세계시민문화예술학교 교과 운영(2024.06.~2024.11.) The GCF has partnered with the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education on the "GGUM-TORING School" for music and art under an MOU.
Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education Launches Career Program for Youth from Diverse Cultural Backgrounds, Operates Curriculum at Global Citizenship Culture and Arts School.(2024.06.~2024.11.)
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음악교육부 〈타악기〉,
서울특별시교육청 ‘꿈토링 스쿨 2024’
교과로 운영
세계시민문화예술학교 전문가 ‘멘토’와 세계시민 청소년 ‘멘티‘가 만나는 〈타악기〉 수업 시작 The Youth Music Chamber Department's "Percussion" class will be included in the curriculum of Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education's 'GGUM-TORING SCHOOL 2024.'
The "Percussion" class, where GCF School of Culture and Arts experts ('mentors') meet global citizen youth ('mentees'), begins.
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[ 소식 ]
전라남도 화순군 가족과 함께한
문화다양성 교육: 가족에서 시작하는
‘세계시민 미술교육’
창의미술교육부 가족 대상 세계시민교육, ‘실시간 온라인 수업’ 시작, 화순군가족센터
Cultural Diversity Education with Families in Hwasun-gun, Jeollanam-do: 'Global Citizen Art Education' Starting with the Family.
The Visual Communication & Creative Art Department is starting “real-time online classes" for families in collaboration with the Hwasun-gun Family Center.
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경기도평택교육지원청, 세계시민포럼과
함께하는 ‘어깨동무 창의미술’ 소개:
송신초등학교 유승민 교사
경기도평택교육지원청 소식 (2024. 06. 17. 게재), 미술을 통한 세계시민교육 사례 공유
In collaboration with the Global Citizenship Forum, the Gyeonggi-do Pyeongtaek Office of Education has launched the 'Shoulder-to-Shoulder Creative Art' program. Teacher YOO SEUNG MIN from Songsin Elementary School is spearheading this initiative.
News from the Gyeonggi-do Pyeongtaek Office is showcasing examples of global citizenship education through art on June 17, 2024.
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세계시민포럼 유튜브 채널: 2024년
상반기 ‘1분 영상 축제’ 수상작 소개
〈1분! 영상으로 들려줄래? 너의 이야기〉 영상공모전, 대상 및 최우수상 4점 소개
Global Citizenship Forum YouTube Channel: Introducing the winners of the '1-Minute Video Festival' for the first half of 2024.
Introducing the grand prize and first prize-winning videos from the 1-Minute Video Contest: “Global Citizens!” “What is your story?” competition.
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세계시민 멘토링 프로그램
〈젓가락 동행〉의 다섯 번째 최종보고회
2024년 1학기, 세계시민포럼・경희대학교 후마니타스칼리지 협력프로젝트, 멘토-멘티 이야기
The Fifth Final Report Meeting of the Global Citizenship Mentoring Program ‘Shoulder to Shoulder.’
Stories of mentors and mentees from the first semester of 2024 were shared as part of a cooperative project between the Global Citizenship Forum and Kyung Hee University's Humanitas College.
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교육강사 간담회 2024〉
세계시민포럼 교육강사 대상, 간담회 성료 (2024. 05. 30. 뮤지엄한미 삼청)
Hosting the 2024 Instructors' Meeting of the Global Citizenship Forum School of Culture and Arts.
The successful completion of the instructors' meeting at the Global Citizenship Forum took place on May 30, 2024, at Museum Hanmi Samcheong.
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음악교육부 교육 강사 소감:
노보라 연주자 겸 플로리스트,
〈음악과 꽃 이야기〉 기획 및 강의
클래식 음악 해설과 감상이 꽃과 만나듯 세계시민으로 연결되던 수업을 떠올리며
Reflections from the Youth Music Chamber Department: Bora Noh, a musician and florist, is planning and teaching 'Stories of Music and Flowers'.
Reflecting on a class connected with global citizenship, such as classical music analysis and appreciation, meeting with flowers.
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‘뉴스 클리핑으로 보는
이달의 세계시민’,
이상봉 님
‘꿈토링 스쿨’ 교장으로 세계시민 인재를 양성하다
"This Month's Global Citizen Through News Clippings" spotlights ‘Designer. Lie sang bong.’
Cultivating global citizen talent as the principal of 'GGUM-TORING SCHOOL.’
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배기동 상임대표, 국제푸른방패
한국위원회 위원장으로 ‘문화유산’
보존을 위한 행보
경기문화재단 경기역사문화유산원 개최, ‘DMZ 문화유산 보존 좌담회’에서 세계유산 등재 추진 강조
BAE, Kidong, Representative of the Global Citizenship Forum, advocates for the preservation of 'DMZ Cultural Heritage' as the Chair of the International Blue Shield Korea Committee.
At the 'DMZ Cultural Heritage Preservation Roundtable' held by the Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation's GyeongGi History and Cultural Heritage Institute, there was a strong emphasis on pushing for World Heritage designation.
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English Text Translated by Ms. M.S. Park (English communication Advisor) |
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