Starting in the CAST2023 Hong Kong, AST Special Awards will be presented to the distinguished members to recognize their achievements in the field of transplantation. It is open to all AST members and we’re inviting your submission for each criteria as seen below.
It will be awarded biannually during the Congress of Asian Society of Transplantation.
AST Special Award for Research
1. A member of good standing of the AST 2. Unquestionable moral and ethical character 3. Must have distinguished himself/herself in the field of Researchin
Transplantation and whose work has been published and/or presented internationally.
AST Special Award for Community Service
1. A member of good standing of the AST 2. Unquestionable moral and ethical character 3. Must have rendered public service of significance to the community in the followingareas:
1. Delivery of transplant care/and socialservices 2. Community education for the awareness of renal diseases e.g. regular radio and TV interviews
4. Compensated positions are disqualified
AST Special Award for Medical Education
1. A member of good standing of AST 2. Unquestionable moral and ethical character 3. Must have been or is currently a faculty member with at least an Assistant Professor position in a medical school and/or is a member of a fellowship training program in Nephrology / Transplantation for at least 5 years; 4. Must have served as a speaker or lecturer in scientific or CME activities of AST or internationally that have contributed to the advancement of Transplantation
AST Council Service Award (prerogative of the Council)
Nomination Packages ① Nomination form (enclosed) ② Evidences that the nominee fulfills the criteria for the Award. ③ Photograph and CV
Award Details ① Recognition plaque endorsed by AST ② Recognition during the CAST closing ceremony
All interested members are asked to submit a completed and signed application form to the Secretariat ( by the deadline of no later than 30th April 2023.
Asian Society of Transplantation is a non-profit NGO providing global leadership in transplantation. Our core mission includes development of transplantation science, clinical practice, scientific communication, continuing education and ethical practice.
Asian Society of Transplantation
Asian Society of Transplantation
International Headquarters
(03070) Bosung Building 3F, 22, Myeongnyun-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, S.Korea E : T : 82.70.8808.9400