
The Mindset of Peace Spreading thanks to IWPG Peace Education

Global Region 2 holds a local Peace Workshop for Egypt and Arabic-speaking countries

On Feb 25th, IWPG Global Region 2 held 2 series of Peace Workshops with its members from Egypt and Arabic-speaking countries. The Workshop started with an icebreaking session, followed by an introduction of IWPG and a discussion on values and connection. Through the discussion, members shared the opinions on the value of women and why all 3.9 billion women around the world must become one with IWPG. The participants also watched a video on the peace activities of former IWPG Advisor and former Minister of Women Affairs of Jordan, the late Nadia Hashem Aloul, and honored her memory. Azal Ali AL-Rabahi, Executive Director of WAMA Organization for Development and Human Rights, said, “I think our organization and IWPG have a lot in common. It was a peace worship full of hope that we can all work toward our goal, peace.”

Global Region 2 conducts Peace Lecturer Training Education (PLTE) in Georgia

On Feb 17th, Global Region 2 held a meeting with the Peace Lecturer Training Education (PLTE) graduates from Georgia Women and Development (WD). The agenda of the meeting was a project that was proposed to the “Peace Achieving Project,” the goal of which is to recruit 500 new PLTE students from March to December. This project, which strives to spread peace activities and plant the mindset of peace in Georgian women through peace education, will first start with female organization leaders, and these leaders will work as lecturers to spread peace education within their communities.

Indonesia Branch conducts Peace Lecturer Training Education (PLTE)

On Feb 21st and 25th, Indonesia Branch conducted PLTE at Satya Wacana Christian University located in Salatiga City. PLTE Lecture 1, “The preciousness of life and my value” was conducted offline on Feb 21st and online on the Feb 25th. The students said, “I felt peace in my heart when taking the education. I want to spread this inner peace to the people around me.”

The Community Becoming One Under Peace, the Establishment of IWPG Peace Committee

Tanzania Branch establishes Peace Committee in Dar es Salaam

On Feb 11th, Tanzania Branch held the Das es Salaam Peace Committee Establishment Ceremony at Samsara Restaurant in Makumbusho with Peace Committee Representative Pendo Addie and 19 Peace Committee members.

During the ceremony, IWPG’s goals, visions, and mission were introduced, and the attendees registered as new IWPG members. The Peace Committee members also introduced PLTE to the attendees and promised to cooperate for peace activities.

Peace Committee Representative Pendo Addie said, “Talking with young women, I am very happy that women are already prepared to become one with us. I will help spread peace through PLTE, which builds the capabilities of women.”

Tanzania Branch establishes Peace Committee in Mtwara

On Feb 4th, The Tanzania Mtwara Peace Committee Establishment Ceremony was held at Mangoela In Restaurant with Peace Committee Representative Theresia Mpinga and 21 Peace Committee members. The ceremony started with an introduction of the guests and IWPG’s major visions for peace realization, followed by an introduction of IWPG’s peace projects. The participants joined IWPG as members, registered for PLTE, and promised to participate in peace activities. The members said, “Thank you for giving us ideas to bring women together as one. We are ready to cooperate for world peace.”

Peace Committee Representative Theresia Mpinga said, “Peace education is necessary for all to build our capabilities for peace, and we will plan various events so more women can participate.”

Mindset of Peace Becomes Reality

Myanmar Mandalay Branch holds the International Women’s Peace Network Regular Meeting

IWPG Global Region 4 Myanmar Mandalay Branch held the International Women’s Peace Network Regular Meeting at University Christian Fellowship on Feb 18th with 21 participants.

Khin Mu Mu Han, the General Secretary of Mandalay YWCA and the Mandalay Branch Manager, gave her opening speech, and Khin Thida Han, a member of the Medical Association and the Mandalay Branch Secretary General, gave a presentation on the plans for the Mandalay Branch in 2023. Next, the participants wrote peace poems and came together to plant peace plants. Khin Maung Than, lawyer of the Lawyers’ Association, also provided a lecture on the DPCW.

Secretary General Khin Thida Han said, “The new members are highly interested in IWPG and the DPCW. The Mandalay Branch will work hard to achieve our goals of 2023.”

Ma Nilar, Focal Board of Director of iAM-Myanmar, said, “It was an abundant event with an excellent program. The peace poem reciting was very touching, and I could feel my inner peace through the peace plant activity. We will plan more for our next meeting.”

Myanmar Yangon Branch holds the International Women’s Peace Network Regular Meeting

IWPG Global Region 4 Myanmar Yangon Branch held the International Women’s Peace Network Regular Meeting on Feb 17th at the National YWCA. With 18 participants in total, an IWPG Advisor was appointed, and a certificate of merit was awarded. Also, Crystal Po Gyaw, Board member of National YWCA and Yangon Branch Manager, presented the 2023 Branch plans, and Yin Yin Mya, Executive Committee of Myanmar Psychology Association, introduced the offline PLTE class that would start in March. After discussions on peace activities, there were other various programs like the peace quiz, peace game, peace planting, and peace song.

Khin Thein Htwe, Executive Director of Water Research and Training Centre, said, “It was nice that the attendees were each given peace plant pots. Peace will grow like the peace plants. All the attendees were active and happy and interested.”

Myat Thu Thu Aung, founder of Innovation for Educational Life, expressed her happiness and said, “It was nice to meet everyone at the regular meeting. I could listen to the 2023 plans, and I will also lecture for the PLTE class. I want to continue working for peace with the Yangon Branch members.”

Global Region 3 holds the International Women’s Peace Network Regular Meeting in India, Maldives, and Afghanistan

IWPG Global Region 3 held the International Women’s Peace Network Regular Meeting with its India, Maldives, and Afghanistan members in February. The members shared the activities they wanted to do in 2023 and wrote a peace journal, which is a list of ‘peace habits’ each person wants to practice in order to become a peace messenger. The members discussed what they wrote in their peace journal and promised to achieve peace within themselves.

Global Region 4 holds the East Timor International Women’s Peace Network Regular Meeting

On Feb 18th, Global Region 4 held the East Timor International Women’s Peace Network Regular Meeting online with 11 participants. The attendees shared their peace activities in January, and there was also a self-talk session in which the existing members and new members introduced themselves. Also, IWPG Felicidade Victoria Timora Dos Santos Takeleb, IWPG Peace Committee Representative, also explained Article 8~10 of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War(DPCW), which helped many people understand its content better.

Felicidade Victoria Timora Dos said, “I hope this was an opportunity for everyone to learn and understand the DPCW.”

Francisca Maia Alves Da Costa, member of Ekipa Hafahe Matenek, said, “Victoria’s explanation on the DPCW was very clear and helpful. It really helped me have a better understanding.”

Lizia Martinha Gomes, member of Primeira Socorru, said, “It was enjoyable to talk to new people, and I liked that everyone is working toward the goal of peace.”

Global Region 4 holds the International Women’s Peace Network Regular Meeting in Rwanda and South Sudan

On Feb 18th, IWPG Global Region 4 held the International Women’s Peace Network Regular Meeting in Rwanda and South Sudan. The meeting, with 9 attendees, started with a 2022 Peace Activity video and a presentation on 2023 Plans. The members also recited beautiful poems on peace. The attendees of the Regular Meeting all said that they were so happy to have participated.

Claudine Mukabwenge, trainer of Ready for Reading, said, “I’m thankful to have participated in the Regular Meeting. IWPG’s peace activities are touching. I am more interested in peace activities, and I want to keep participating.”

Kiiko Nadiya Suzan, representative of Action Girls Africa, said, “I am thankful to hear what IWPG is planning for 2023. I had fun reciting peace poems, and I think everyone had a good time.”

Global Region 4 holds the Burundi International Women’s Peace Network Regular Meeting

On Feb 17th, IWPG Global Region 4 held the Burundi International Women’s Peace Network Regular Meeting online with 4 attendees. They discussed IWPG 2023 Annual Plans and the specific goals for Burundi. As the Burundi Bujumbura Peace Committee was established last December, Peace Committee Representative Parfaite Ntahuba, National Coordinator of Friends Women's Association, shared her impressions of becoming the Peace Committee Representative and her plans for the future. PLTE and DPCW, IWPG’s main initiatives, were also discussed.

Global Region 4 holds the Cameroon International Women’s Peace Network Regular Meeting

On Feb 16th, IWPG Global Region 4 held the Cameroon International Women’s Peace Network Regular Meeting online with 21 participants. IWPG’s annual plans for 2023 and the overall roadmap for Cameroon was also shared, along with a presentation on IWPG’s plans and goals for the future by IWPG Publicity Ambassador Nicoline Wazeh, founder of Pathways for Women’s Empowerment and Development.

During this meeting, an MOA was also signed with Cameroon Association of Media Professionals. The Executive Director, Tarhyang Tabe, said, “This MOA will be the lever for contributing to peace in the international society. This agreement will open more doors to report on the peace work of Cameroon wome and IWPG partners and the work of our organization.”

Nicoline Wazeh said, “The increasing number of participants and the signing of this MOA is evidence that people’s interest is growing. I think we should have a Q&A session next time so that people can share their thoughts and perspectives. We must also remind the members of the DCPW so that the legislation of DPCW can gain more support.”

Global Region 10 Tokyo Branch holds the International Women’s Peace Network Regular Meeting

On Feb 22nd, IWPG Global Region 10 and Tokyo Branch held the online Tokyo International Women’s Peace Network Regular Meeting. The Korean and Japanese participants introduced themselves and watched a IWPG promotion video. After that, PLTE Lesson 1 took place. The meeting was even more meaningful with 16 participants including Oikawa Yoko, a traditional Japanese dance teacher who joined IWPG after the Korea-Japan Culture Exchange Event, “SHALL WE PEACE?” that took place on Feb 4th.

Global Region 9 shouts the “Peace, Not War Declaration” in Berlin

On Feb 14th, there was a demonstration organized by das Personenbündnis under the theme of ‘Peace, Not War’ at Berlin Brandenburg. Ten members and staff from the IWPG Berlin Branch also participated.

People from art, academia, and civil society came up to speak, including politician Alice Schwarzer, also the founder of Emma, and author Sahra Wagenknecht.

More than 10,000 people signed for peace, and the citizens of Berlin raised their voices to support the “negotiation for peace instead of wars and tanks.”

MOA/MOU Signing to Build Peace Cooperative Relationships

Melbourne Branch signs MOU with Amaroo Neighbourhood Centre

Australia Melbourne Branch (Branch Manager Marjorie) signed an MOU with Amaroo Neighbourhood Centre (Director John Philips) on Feb 27th. The Amaroo Neighborhood Centre is a community center that develops and provides various services and health programs to the nearby residents.

Through this MOU signing, the two organizations agreed to focus on spreading a culture of peace within the community and build a cooperative relationship for peace activities that include the DPCW, PLTE, and the International Loving-Peace Art Competition.

Janine, the coordinator of the Centre, said, “This is an honorable moment and proud result of the effort the two organizations put into the goal of peace. I hope that the International Loving-Peace Art Competition that we are planning with IWPG contributes to facilitating peace.”

Indonesia Branch signs MOA with Mataram Women's Solidarity NGO & National Islamic University, Mataram

On Feb 22nd, Indonesia Branch (Branch Manager Ana Milana Puspita Sari) signed an MOA at West Nusa Tenggara(WNT) with Mataram Women's Solidarity NGO (Representative Nurul) and National Islamic University, Mataram, where Lufta is working as a teacher.

Through this MOA, the two organizations agreed to promote Peace Education and the DPCW and conduct various peace activities with the women in the community.

After the MOA Signing Ceremony, Branch Manager Ana Milana Puspita Sari gave a lecture on PLTE Lesson 1, “The preciousness of life and my value” in front of 206 students and explained the value of peace education, which received great enthusiasm from the students. 

Global Region 4 signs MOA with Shan Women Development Network of Myanmar

Global Region 4 (Acting Regional Director, Eun Ju Park) signed an MOA with Shan Women Development Network (Director & Founder Kham Yin) on Feb 21st.

Kham Yim, the Founder and Director of Shan Women Development Network, shared her thoughts of the MOA and said, “I’m happy to have learned much about the international peace process through IWPG. IWPG and SWDN shares many of their goals, so I’m very happy to cooperate.”

Global Region 6 establishes Eswatini Peace Committee and signs MOU with One Billion Rising Eswatini

Global Region 6 (Regional Director So Young Park) held the Eswatini Peace Committee Establishment Ceremony and MOU Signing Ceremony with One Billion Rising Eswatini (President Colani Hlatjwako Gama) at Park Hotel in Manzini on Feb 18th.

President Hlatjwako Gama said, “Many women are suffering from insufficient knowledge. I want to help them learn what peace is through peace education.”

Many participants were moved by the event. 45 registered as IWPG members, 5 applied for PLTE, and 14 Peace Pledges were signed.

This Month's Interview

Lee Sunju

Republic of Korea

Busan On General Hospital


IWPG Peace Committee Representative

1. IWPG currently strongly supports the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War(DPCW). Do you have any suggestions on how this campaigned can be expanded?

Bringing everyone in the world as one under peace is one of the steps toward building a world of peace. I will continue to actively support and promote the legislation of the DPCW, which says that we must end war and build peace, to my organization and friends.

2. What is your impression of finishing the Peace Lecturer Training Education(PLTE)?

PLTE was a valuable opportunity for me to look back on my life. This education is essential for women to learn and teach, so I want to introduce it to the people around me. By conducting peace activities, we can acheive the peace that we desire. Women are most fit for playing this role because they can build a compassionate society to achieve sustainable peace.

A picture of the International Peace Network Regular Meeting (2022)

3. What are your plans and activities as an IWPG Peace Committee Representative?

We should teach the youth how to interact with others with an open mindset and without racial, sexual, and religious prejudices. I will work with IWPG to build a peace-building society through various meetings and campaign programs.

Wreath-leaving Memorial Ceremony at the UN Memorial Park (2022.06.05, with IWPG East Busan Branch staff)
4. Is there anything that you would like to say to people who are now starting to work with IWPG?

I’ve worked with many organizations and met with many people. I’ve seen people build selfish relationships with only their own benefits in mind, which made me very skeptical of all types of relationships. But I was shocked to see how the IWPG staff had a very pure heart, thinking only of world peace and the cessation of war. And this gave me confidence. I assure you that if you are looking for true love and peace, you can find all of this if you become one with IWPG.

Answer to eradicate war and achieve peace!

Signatures in Support of the ‘Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)’

DPCW 10 Articles 38 Clauses is a declaration to bring sustainable peace to the world by preventing conflict and enabling international supervisory institutions to play their role of mediating conflict.

What happens if I sign in support of the DPCW?🤷‍♂️
The DPCW can be legislated as a binding international law through the UN. Consequently, war will disappear from the surface of the earth, and everyone will be able to enjoy a peaceful world, bringing peace to regions suffering from conflict and bloodshed.

How to support the DPCW?
Please click the button below!👇
See Last Month's IWPG Newsletter 
Information on Periodic Membership Dues 📨
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International Women's Peace Group
Chairwoman Hyun Sook Yoon
2nd Floor 22, Mabang-ro 4-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Yangjae-dong, Daewon Building)
Tel 02-577-7440 Fax 02-576-5990 E-mail iwpg@iwpg.org