I am Chung H. Lee in Seoul Semiconductor Co. Ltd.
Thank you very much for your interest in OHC reporting. The OHC reporting of eight times remain until the end of the year. During which 29 weeks, our scientists, Dr. Soo-young Moon, Dr. A-young Lee, Dr. Jin-won Kim, Dr. Jae-ho Lee, Dr. Sung-soo Kim, and Dr. Sang-wook Chung, are summing up the materials that we have presented to you. And our bodies have a great influence on light, photon (related research papers won the 2017 Nobel Prize award), and plants and animals on the planet.

To understand the composition of the light, Photon, we need a high-level understanding of the atoms, which are all material compositions in the universe. And this atom consists of an atomic nucleus and its surrounding electrons, and the composition of the human body is also made up of these atoms. When a photon hits our body, the electrons leave its normal orbits. What happens if this photon hits our eyes with hundreds of trillions in every second?

We will summarize the OHC reporting until the end of this year. How does photon get the electrons out, and what about the atomic nuclei and the structure and size of the material? Why does this photon affect the eyes, the biorhythm, and the sleep? We will explain it easily to the level of common sense necessary for the health of our parents and children. Please be interested and re​ad it every week when you have time. Thank you.

Chung H. Lee 
Our Healthcare Committee

* Next week’s topic: Photon & Human atom < Photon & Atom >

You can find "Interesting Story about Light Science” series on the link below.
Seoul Semiconductor / ohc@seoulsemicon.com 
97-11, Sandan-ro 163beon-gil, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea