June 2023    

“We will implement Article 10 'Dissemination of a Culture of Peace' of the DPCW and achieve the SDGs”

- ‘Women from all around the world participated in the Peace Walk and DPCW Support Signature Campaign during HWPL’s 10th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace

* IWPG Chairwoman Hyun Sook Yoon is giving commemorative remarks at HWPL’s 10th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace.

On May 25, the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG, Chairwoman Hyun Sook Yoon) participated in HWPL’s 10th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and Peace Walk, simultaneously held in Seoul, South Korea, along with approximately 70 other major cities in Korea and abroad.
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), a peace cooperative organization of IWPG, announced the Declaration of World Peace on May 25, 2013. As this year marks 10th anniversary of this declaration, joint statements were announced all around the world.
In her commemorative remarks during the event, IWPG Chairwoman Hyun Sook Yoon said, “Chairman Lee proclaimed the ‘Declaration of World Peace’ in 2013, and the youth started peace walks all over the world. The following year, on January 24, 2014, with the mediation of Chairman Lee, a civil peace agreement was signed, a war ended, and we are witnessing with our own eyes the reality that a culture of peace is taking root.”
Chairwoman Yoon also added, “IWPG also celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. Together with IPYG, it has become one of the two wings of HWPL and has been striving to spread a culture of peace while reflecting on the spirit and inspiration of the ‘Declaration of World Peace’. Every year, we participate in CSW, the Committee on the Status of Women held by the United Nations. In addition, April 26th of this year marked the 4th Annual Commemoration of International Women's Peace Day where the ‘International Women’s Declaration of Peace' was proclaimed. The 10,000 women from 54 countries that participated in this event promised to implement Article 10 'Dissemination of a Culture of Peace' of the DPCW and achieve the SDGs.”

* IWPG members are participating in the Peace Walk held at the Olympic Park Peace Plaza on May 25.

The event included a Peace Walk to urge for the introduction of the DPCW as a resolution in the UN General Assembly and a DPCW Support Signature Campaign in which various women from all over the world participated.

The Preliminaries of the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition

- Children all around the world draw “a peace world learned from peace”

Global Region 2 co-hosts preliminaries with Dept of Education of Lebanon

Since May 20, Global Region 2 has hosted the preliminary round of the 5th International Loving-Peace Arts Competition with SAWA for Development Association in all regions of Lebanon, with the approval of the Lebanese Ministry of Education. About 800 children and youth participated under the extensive participation and support and love for peace from many parents and teachers. The event was even more meaningful because Lebanon houses the most refugees in the Middle East. Many of the refugee children and youth participating in the event desperately wish for peace. Lebanon has a strong desire for peace that the children dream of. 
Nawal Mdallaly, founder of SAWA for Development Association and the co-host of the event, said, “I will try to prepare the event in advance next year so that more students can participate.”

Global Region 2 holds preliminaries in more than 60 schools in Ethiopia in cooperation with Dept of Education of Addis Ababa

On May 24 and 27 and 29, Global Region 2 co-hosted the preliminary of the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition with the Department of Education of Addis Ababa City Administration Education Bureau and Health and Wholeness Ethiopia(HAWE) at Abiot Keres Secondary School, Bole Secondary School, and Menillik II Secondary.
The International Loving-Peace Art Competition has been held in Ethiopia for the past 4 years, and this is the first time is being held jointly with the Department of Education of Addis Ababa, gathering more than 200 students from more than 60 schools. 
Alehubel Alemaw Bizuneh, Executive Director of HAWE, said, “This year’s competition that we prepared with IWPG was truly valuable. I will continue to cooperate with IWPG to develop this event further.”
One participant, Meraf Dawit, from Sunny Side Secondary School, said, “I participated in this competition to demonstrate my artistic talent. My drawing is about each of our roles in achieving peace and the fact that building peace is the responsibility of all of us as humanity.” 

Global Region 2 hosts preliminary of the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition in Kuwait

On May 20, the preliminary of the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition was held in Salmiya Smart International School of Kuwait with 13 children and parents. The event was sponsored by Unified Muslim Christian Alliance of the Philippines 2022(UMCAP) and Smart Philippine Education Institute(SPEI).
Alsha V. Albakit, vice president of UMCAP, said, “It feels like a word of peace learned from nature has been realized through the drawings at this Art Competition. We could feel a sense of community with the children, and it is so pleasing to see them so happy.” 
Arham Mahlunkar, one of the participants from Salmiya Smart International School, said, “This event made me think seriously about peace. Peace should always be with us, and we must all work hard to maintain peace.”  
Dennis P. Queribin, president of Aspok; Nova Frucktouso, teacher; and Romano 0. Romano, Art expert in Kuwait, are the judges for this year’s event, and the event ceremony for the preliminary will take place on the first week of June. 

Global Region 2 holds preliminaries of the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition in schools all around Tanzania

Global Region 2 co-hosted the preliminaries of 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition in Tanzania with local schools in Arusha, Iringa, Kilimanjaro, and Dar es Salaam. This year’s competition was led by each regional Peace Committee, moving many people’s hearts with peace and receiving support from schools and parents.
The preliminaries continue in May and June, and the award ceremony will be held in Dar es Salaam in July.

Global Region 2 Melbourne Branch holds preliminary of the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition

On May 4, Global Region 2 Melbourne Branch (Australia) co-hosted the preliminary of 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition with Amaroo Neighborhood Center. 15 children and youth participated, and the award ceremony took place on the next day. 
Rylee Ji Woo-Tan(Good Shepherd Elementary School) and Kaylee Lee Kennedy (University High School) won 1st place in the Elementary and Middle School division respectively. 
Janine Saligari, Centre Manager of Amaroo Neighborhood Center said, “It was nice that local residents and artists could come together through this art competition. I look forward to next year’s event.” 
Kaylee Lee Kennedy, the 1st price winner of the Middle School division, said, “It was a fun event where students of various ages could participate, and it was an opportunity for me to think of the meaning of peace.”

Global Region 4 holds preliminary of 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition in East Timor

On May 18, Global Region 4 held the preliminary of the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition in St. Paul Methodist School and Timor Plaza with 100 participants. The event also included a traditional dance performance and a commemoration of the independence of East Timor. The award ceremony took place immediately after the competition: Inora Da Silva Alves from Elementary division, Savio Pinto from Middle School Division, Lausa Maria Alves Des Araujo from High School division were each awarded 1st place. 
David Chan, the director of St. Paul Methodist School, said, “I was proud to see the students trying to spread the concept of peace and harmony. I am grateful to IWPG for not only raising awareness on the importance of world peace but also allowing students to learn peace from nature.” 
Felicidade Victoria Timora Dos Santos Takeleb, a member of Lautos Si Animators, who also participated as IWPG staff for this event, said, “I could understand why IWPG is holding this art competition for peace. I could see the light of peace in the faces of the students who participated.” 

Global Region 4 holds preliminary for the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition in Rwanda

On May 26, Global Region 4 held the preliminary for the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition at Groupe Scolaire APADE in Rwanda. The school held its own 1st preliminary round, and the 19 students that were selected from the 1st round participated in this event. 
The event first started with a video on IWPG’s peace activities, followed by the drawing itself. The 1st place went to Muneza Lucky Shallon(Elementary division), Muhawenimana Moïse Jean de Dieu(Middle School division), and Sage Lessly Rusagara (High School division). 
The judge and organizer of this year’s competition, Ntirikina Jean Jacques, art teacher of Groupe Scolaire APADE, said, “This competition was a great event in which students could demonstrate their artistic talent, and both students and parents enjoyed it. Students could think of the meaning and value of peace. That is why this competition is valuable for children, the future generation.”

Mandalay Branch holds preliminary for the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition

On May 27, Mandalay Branch in Myanmar held the preliminary for the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition with 24 participants. The 1st place went to She Yamon Oo(Elementary division), Myat Phone Shin(Middle School division), and Hnin Ei Shwe Yee(High School division). 
Khin Maung Than, lawyer of the Bar Association, who also gave a congratulatory speech for the event, said, “The event was a success, and peace has come to the Mandalay region through the children’s drawings.” 
Ma Nilar, Director of Focal Board of iAM-Myanmar, said, “I was amazed that peace messages could be expressed through art and drawings. IWPG’s efforts to conduct peace programs through art competitions is truly remarkable. The students have so much talent, and I am proud of them”

Yangon Branch holds preliminary for the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition

On May 25, Yangon Branch in Myanmar held the preliminary for the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition with 26 elementary, middle, and high school students. The 1st place went to Nan Kham Moe Moe Oo(Elementary division), Hsu Labb Win Lwin(Middle School division), and Naw Lwah She Hpo(High School division). 
The mother of the 1st place award winner of the High School division said, “I was so happy to see so many children interested in art. I love how children think of peace and nature. It was fun for the students and encouraging for the parents as well.” 
Khin Thein Htwe, Executive Director of Water Research Training, also said, “This year’s art competition was much more systematic, and student and parents both enjoyed it. Everyone was happy, and I am very proud of IWPG and Yangon Branch.”

Global Region 4 holds preliminary for the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition in Burundi

On May 29, Global Region 4 held the preliminary of the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition at Top Child School, Burundi, with 119 students. This was the first time that the International Loving-Peace Art Competition was held in Burundi. Niyizigama Virginia, representative of Faith in Action and member of Bujumbara Peace Committee and organized the event, while Bujumbara Peace Committee representative Parfaite Ntahuba participated to encourage the students. 
Parfaite Ntahuba said, “The students and parents participated as our honored guests. It was truly beautiful, and it was an excellent activity that could teach children the concept of peace through art. It is important for Burundi children, who have experiences of violence, to grow to participate in world peace.”

Global Region 4 holds preliminary of the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition in Cameroon

Global Region 4 held the preliminary of the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition at Cameroon Saint Francis Bilingual Nursery and Primary School and Alfred and Sarah Bilingual Academy on May 16 and May 22 respectively with a total of 42 students. 
Ngah Magna, Headteacher of the Saint Francis Bilingual Nursery and Primary School, said, “I want to express my gratitude to IWPG for helping our Sant Francis Bilingual Nursery and Primary School hold the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition. This is the first peace education event our institution conducted with children. I am grateful to be able to participate in this program. I hope we can work together again next time.” 
Ekane Sangmelima, Headteacher of Alfred and Sarah Bilingual Academy, said, “I am happy to have demonstrated our children’s ideas and imagination toward peace in the world and Cameroon. This is something that we must do often, and I am grateful for this start.” 

Netherland Branch holds preliminary of the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition

On May 5, IWPG Netherlands Branch held the preliminary of the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition at a public gym located in Schiedam. The 20 children that participated dreamed of peace and expressed their ideas through drawings. One parent that participated in the event with her 3 children said, “I think IWPG is an organization that is really needed. This event will be a good memory for children, and I think it is truly necessary for the future generation. I am interested in IWPG’s activities and want to know more about them.”

Mongolia Branch holds preliminary of the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition

On May 16, IWPG Mongolia Branch held the preliminary of the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition at Monte Rosa School in Mongolia. Approximately 400 elementary, middle, and high school students participated, reflecting on the meaning of peace and hoping that the future is a world of peace and not war. 

Global Region 10 holds preliminary of the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition in Türkiye(Turkey)

On May 26, Global Region 10 held the preliminary of the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition in Istanbul, Türkiye(Turkey). The children each drew of their ideas of peace in nature, and participated in various activities such as thumbmark drawings. The children were very interested when listening to an explanation of the purpose of the event, and said that they wished peace was eternal and that they enjoyed drawing. One parent even contacting the homeroom teacher saying, “My child looked so happy today, so I am grateful.”

Global Region 10 holds preliminary of the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition in Albania 

On May 27, Sevim Arbana, Albania Publicity Ambassador and founder of "Useful to Albania Women(UAW)", organized the preliminary of the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition in Albania. Chief Editor Artur Nura, from one of the media companies invited to the event, Perqasje, broadcasted the event on his YouTube channel while filming children immersed in their drawings. Sevim Arbana said, “I hope that peace is planted in the children and that the parents are connected to IWPG Peace Education” and promised to promote the meaning of the event further.

IWPG Peace Education Spreading in the Local Community

Global 2 Region conducts Peace Achievement Project PLTE in Georgia

Women and Development (WD, representative Phati Bhukrikidze) is an organization that practices mutual respect and understanding toward women living in various cultures and religions, such as women rights activists, lawyers, social scientists, and civil right activities. 
WD is trying to bring more women to join peace education as a part of Global Region 2’s Peace Achievement Project. The organizations leaders have completed PLTE and are providing peace education to 500 local women as a peace lecturer. Many of those women are joining IWPG as members. WD said that they will continue to work with IWPG to raise peace awareness among women in Georgia.

Yangon Branch conducts PLTE

In May, Yangon Branch in Myanmar has been conducting Peace Lecturer Training Education, PLTE, every Saturday online (lesson 8~10). The Completion Ceremony will take place in June. 
Freelance consultant Theeri Kay Thi said, “I am happy to be able to lecture. PLTE is a program that can bring true change. Through peace education, we will be able to understand each other, resolve conflicts, and live together in harmony. I hope more and more peace lecturers emerge through PLTE.” 
May Mi Kyaw, who took lesson 8, said, “It was nice to learn of IWPG’s purpose and vision, and how IWPG is working worldwide. I am glad that I could practice what I have learned through the video assignments.” 
Aye Aye Nyein, who took lesson 10, said, “Before taking the education, I knew little of IWPG, which holds peace workshops and peace campaigns. I learned a lot about peace through the lessons during the past 10 weeks, and I am interested to join peace activities with IWPG.”

Active Interaction and Cooperation with Women All Around the World

Global Region 2 holds online Briefing Session on Inviting Journalists

On May 13, IWPG Global Region 2 held the IWPG Briefing Session with Journalists of Exchange with various journalists from Ethiopia, Egypt, Tanzania, and Saudi Arabia. 
The session started with an introduction of IWPG and an explanation on the value of journalists in forming public opinion. The Global Region also explained various IWPG activities such as DPCW(Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War) campaigns, PLTE(Peace Lecturer Training Education), and the International Loving-Peace Art Competition, garnering a lot of interest. Next, there was a Q&A session to discuss IWPG’s activities overall and future plans.  
Regional Director Seo Yeon Lee said, “I wanted to meet journalists from around the world for so long, but we were so busy with various offline peace activities such as the UN CSW and the Apr 26 International Women’s’ Peace Day with the end of the pandemic. I’m glad we could meet. Thank you all for taking the time to join.”
She also added, “For us to achieve our goal, peace, it is important for journalists to spread information all around the world. We have different races, religions, and ideologies, but I hope all the journalists here can work as publicity ambassadors for peace. The future and success of our peace work depend on the work of journalists. Also, it is of utmost importance that journalists, regardless of their gender, focus on writing articles that can accelerate world peace.” 
Syeda Numera Moshin, HD of Saudi Arabia PNP News, said, “As a journalist, I am happy to work with IWPG. Because I am a female journalist, I face a lot of difficulties. Women should not be excluded in the process of building peace. That is why I believe IWPG is amazing and innovational.” 

Various journalists joined this session, including Addid Assefa (Oromia  Broadcasting Network, African Media House Network), Anwar Kelly Ali (OBN), Hikma Temam (Addis Tibid Teman), Kidan Abayneh (EBC), Elizabeth Debo (Amharic), Don Mohmoud Sami Tantawy (AlQahera News), Syeda Numera Mohsin Sherazi (Saudi Arabia PNP News), Faraja Masinde(M Tanzania Digital), Milpa Joseph Alagwa (Milfa Media), Hadid kido (Habari Newspaper), and Doctor K. Aal-Anubia (American journalist).

Global Region 2 holds “Webinar on the role of civil society organizations and media in activating Resolution 1325”

On May 3, IWPG Global Region 2 held the “Webinar on the role of civil society organizations and media in activating Resolution 1325,” organized by Lamia Al-eryany, the representative of Yemen Peace School and former Yemen Technical Education and Vocational Training Minister. 40 Yemeni economic and social leaders joined, such as Sarah Al-Mashehari, State Secretary of the United Nations Mission to the Republic of Yemen. 
Yemen Peace School is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that has received approval from the Yemen Ministry of Society and Labor, cooperating with international partners and developmental organizations that are interested in peace building 
Annalyn Tolero, coordinator of IWPG Global Region 2 Department of International Affairs, introduced IWPG’s peace activities, and the attendees watched a video on the Apr 26 International Peace Day commemoration event. Next followed speeches on the role of media and civil society in activating UN Resolution 1325. 
The attendees were happy to participate in a global webinar with an international organization, and some attendees even joined IWPG as members. Global Region 2 is also discussing plans to host the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition with some of the attendees that showed interest.

Global Region 9 meets the Head of the Cultural Policy Implementation Coordination Department of the Ministry of Culture of Mongolian government

On May 16, IWPG Mongolia Branch met Ms. Narantsetseg Darybazar, Head of the Cultural Policy Implementation Coordination Department of the Ministry of Culture, at her office. Through this meeting, IWPG Advisory Ms. Bude Munkhtuya and Ms. Narantsetseg Darybazar agreed to cooperate to achieve peace in regards with hosting the International Loving-Peace Art Competition and other events related to women and children in Mongolia going forward.

Global Region 10 holds peace conference in North Macedonia

On May 6, Lindita Ademi, professor at University of Tetova and IWPG North Macedonia Peace Committee Representative, co-hosted a peace conference with World of Ambassador(WOA) to introduce the 4th Commemoration of the April 26 International Women's Peace Day. This event was an opportunity for her to introduce IWPG’s peace activities that she experienced for the past 5 years and to present a letter of appreciation to 30 people who dedicated themselves to peace work in North Macedonia. Through this event, IWPG and WOA promised to cooperate to achieve peace in North Macedonia.

MOA, the Promise of Peace

Global Region 3 signs MOA with Equal Rights & Research for Development

Global Region 3 signed an MOA with Equal Rights & Research for Development(ERRD), an organization working in Afghanistan and Switzerland. ERRD President, Farzana Mursal Alizada promised to cooperate with IWPG to gather Afghanistan children to participate in the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition, take PLTE, and work with IWPG for the institutionalization of the DPCW. 
IWPG Global Region 3 discussed how to raise the voices of Afghanistan women, who have been deprived of their basic rights since the Taliban control, to the international society and how to gather people through various online activities.

This Month's Interview

Kim Mi Suk

Republic of Korea

Gyeonggi-do Women's Group Association, GWGA

IWPG member

1. Please briefly introduce yourself.

Hello, I am Mi Suk Kim, Paju branch manager of Gyeonggi-do Women's Group Association. I was born in Munsan in 1963 and graduated from Munsan Women’s High School. I married a photographer and focused on raising three children of mine and taking care of the family. After my children were fully grown up, I started participating in social volunteer work and joined the Mugunghwa Scholarship Society and Women Veterans Association. I worked as village forewoman of Munsan 4-li for eight years, while also serving as the president of Lions International 354-H district Zinnia lions club and Munsan elementary school Mother's president. I received a certificate as an honorary mayor from the mayor of Paju City.

2. Please explain what you currently do.

Gyeonggi-do Women’s Group Association(GWGA) was established in 1975. It has 13 province-level organizations and 30 city-level organizations. Among them, I am part of Paju branch of the Gyeonggi-do Women's Group Association. I am serving as the branch manager, working with 11 women organizations within the association. 
This association facilitates cooperation and interaction among women organizations, and strives to achieve gender equality and regional development in all realms including social welfare, politics, culture, and unification. It provides women with what they need and represents women in the era of gender equality and empowering women. 
There are mainly 8 main initiatives. One of its initiatives, the gender equality, recently there was a marching event in Paju City to shut down prostitution sites so that prostitution no longer takes place.

3. Please tell us what you said in your speech at Global Region 7’s April 26 International Women’s Peace Day event.

Yes. Paju city is a mixture of peaceful unification and harsh security. There are things that we must never do in our lives, and the worst of them is war. Through war, we realized the value and importance of peace. 
There should be a clear international law that not only complements the limitations of existing international laws and removes the fundamental cause of war and conflict, but also resolves many of the problems that we experience daily. This law must be legislated for us to achieve a world of peace and pass it down to the future generation. 
This is the most innovative method. So IWPG focuses on the potential of HWPL’s peace activities, and is building global partnerships based on UN Sustainable Develop Goal(SDG) 17. IWPG has supported HWPL’s Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War(DPCW), the 10 Articles and 38 Clauses, so that it can be legislated as an international law, urging others to support it. It was a very meaningful event, making it known that DPCW is the fundamental answer to put an end to war.

Ms. Mi Sook Kim giving a speech at the 4th Commemoration of the April 26 International Women's Peace Day 4
4. Is there anything you would like to say to the IWPG members?
I will work to build a gender-equal and harmonious society.
I will also work with IWPG Global Region 7 to achieve sustainable peace.
Lastly, I want to add that we should all support and urge for the 10 Articles and 38 Clauses of the DPCW so that it can be legislated as a binding international law in the UN. Each individual alone maybe week, but the 3.9 billion women worldwide have unbelievable power.
Peace that starts from us, together. We are the owners of peace.
Thank you.

Answer to eradicate war and achieve peace!

Signatures in Support of the ‘Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)’

DPCW 10 Articles 38 Clauses is a declaration to bring sustainable peace to the world by preventing conflict and enabling international supervisory institutions to play their role of mediating conflict.

What happens if I sign in support of the DPCW?🤷‍♂️
The DPCW can be legislated as a binding international law through the UN. Consequently, war will disappear from the surface of the earth, and everyone will be able to enjoy a peaceful world, bringing peace to regions suffering from conflict and bloodshed.

How to support the DPCW?
Please click the button below!👇
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International Women's Peace Group
Chairwoman Hyun Sook Yoon
2nd Floor 22, Mabang-ro 4-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Yangjae-dong, Daewon Building)
Tel 02-577-7440 Fax 02-576-5990 E-mail iwpg@iwpg.org